Introduction and Bibliography

Students' Motivation in learning English at English Department Students of the State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry


A.    Background of Study
State Islamic university of Ar-Raniry is known as the one of the best university in Aceh which has good accreditation of its major. Its quality also can be seen by referring to the success of its alumni. For instance, there are many students who have tasted to study abroad and got their scholar there. In other words, it has competent lecturers that can contribute educationally to increase quality of the university (Zona Pendidikan, 2016). Consequently, many students who want to continue their study may choose Ar-Raniry State Islamic University as their option.
Furthermore, one of the best major in Ar-Raniry State Islamic University is English Department. It has A accreditation (Akreditasi.Net, 2015) and qualified lecturers that makes many students interested to choose English department as their major. Meanwhile, it is quite challenging to learn English in Ar-Raniry State Islamic University. However, the students should develop their motivation in learning before choosing English department because it is complicated as the second language.
Motivation is one of the aspects that influence a learner in learning English as a foreign language. It has been accepted by many researchers to support the students’ proficiency in learning English (e.g. Dӧrnyei, 1990; Oxford, 1994; Ushioda, 1994; Schmidt, et al., 1996, cited in Dja’far, Cahyono & Bashtomi, 2016). In English department, there are many difficult parts categorized should be mastered by the learners. Moreover, in learning this subject, the learners should have a strong motivation so that they can enjoy in receiving information from a lecturer so that the success of teaching learning process can be achieved. Thus, it is clear that a motivation has essential roles to develop a successful learning.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to analyze the motivation existed in English Department Students in learning English and to find out their reason in choosing English Department of Ar-Raniry State Islamic University as their major. The participants taken are the 5th semester of English Department Students, the State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry. This mini research is entitled "Students' Motivation in learning English at English Department Students of the State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry"


Zona Pendidikan. (2016). UIN Ar-Raniry Aceh Profil Kampus dan Sejarah Berdiri. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from
Akreditasi.Net. (2015). Akreditasi Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Retrieved December 29, 2016, from
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