opinion about Cizek’s article

After reading Cizek’s article “ More Unintended Consequences of High-Stakes Testing” in part The Long History of High-Stakes Tests”, this history consist of violence, the violence is really tragic, even though the problem from the history is really simple, just because they cannot pronounce the word correctly, they would be killed, that was really painful.
Afterward, I strongly disagree if this test apply in education system, because there is bad thing, for instant; the violence from the history, we can imagine what happened if this test will apply in education, and what students will feel by using this High-Stakes tests, that effect will be bad for students.
Furthermore, if high-stakes applied in education system, the student will feel uncomfortable with this test, they will get burden, they will afraid to face the test. Moreover if we apply this test to the student in elementary school, they will get more burden on their head, even they will afraid when they should take the test with this way. The punishment that contain in the story high-stakes is the scariest thing that the student will feel when this test apply in the education system purely like the history said before.

To summarize, I strongly disagree if this test applied on education system if the high-stakes test purely practiced in school like what stated in the long history of High-Stakes test, furthermore if high-stakes test applied on primary school, it will be bad for their psychology. If the government wants to apply this system, they must change the rule that contain of violence. As we know, there no the best test in education, but high-stakes test probably will be the good test if the government or education minister want to revise this test to be the better test.


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