Report of Instructional Media

Report of Instructional Media for English Subject of  XII Grade in   MAN 2 Aceh Barat

Arranged by:
Suarni (140203002)

PBI/UNIT 01/2014

Teacher Training and Education Faculty
State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry
Banda Aceh 2017

A.    Media used
   Based on the interview that was done with Mr. Jamal Nasir S.Pd. in Senior High School of XII IPA 1 grade, the observer know that the media used when teaching learning English about “song” was tape recorder.

B.     Use of Media
   Sometimes the teacher also use tape recorder as a media to listen a dialog and answer questions when UN or in the TOEFL exam.
   The teacher explained to observer about how he use tape recorder when he teach a song.
   Here is how the teacher use tape recorder as media when teaching about song:
1.      Pre-listening
·         Students brainstorm kinds of songs
·         Students describe one of their favourite songs and what they like about it
·         Students predict some word or expressions that might be in a love song

2.      While listening
·         Students listen and decide if the song is happy or sad
·         Students listen again and order the lines or verses of the song
·         Students listen again to check their answers or read a summary of the song with errors in and correct them.

3.      Post-listening
a.       Focus on content 
·         Discuss what they liked / didn't like about the song
·         Decide whether they would buy it / who they would buy it for
·         Write a review of the song for a newspaper or website
·         Write another verse for the song
b.      Focus on form
·         Students look at the lyrics from the song and identify the verb forms
·         Students find new words in the song and find out what they mean
·         Students make notes of common collocations within the song

C.     Conclusion 
Within this research the observer have tried to describe a framework for listening development that could be applied to any listening text by interviewing the teacher in Senior High School of X IPA 1 grade. This is not the only way to develop  students listening or to structure a listening lesson, but it is a way that the observer have found to be effective and motivating for the students.


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