Txtng is killing language. JK!!! by Jhon McWhorter

Ted Summary Txtng is killing language. JK!!! by Jhon McWhorter

“Txtng is killing language. JK!!!”  Adults, especially adult within Generation X, are always complaining to young adults about how texting is ruining the way we write and the way we talk now in days.  That is why I am so thankful to this video and this talk that explains what exactly is going on today. Mr. McWhorter gave a great talk with a comfortable yet strong voice that really grabbed your attention to listen.

He started of the talk explaining how human were naturally interested in speaking before they were ever interested in writing.  Then gave a  great example of how writing is something is actually different that speaking and that they might reflect each other instead of them being the same thing. The example he used was the speech that was given before the Gettysburg speech by President  Lincoln. It was a speech that was made to sound like writing, which was normal and popular at the time. While, it was completely opposite for writing to sound like you. You as in casual or formal speech. That was back then  and it  seemed very wrong , however now we have the materials to make it happen. Texting is formatted to allow us to be able to write how we talk. It enables us to use emoji’s and other expressive ways to show exactly how we speak and feel freely. So writing isn’t actually meant to be said as if it was normal casual talk at all.  It is more like a “Finally” , we finally have a place where we can just speak our minds in the same way we hear and see it. Yet the best part of the whole video had to have been when he demonstrates how throughout the years professors have always complained about the way that young adults write. Going all the way back from 1956,to 1917, to 1871, to 1841 , then all the way to 63 A.D. The point he is trying to make is that  professors have always complained about students not having the writing skills expected, so this new texting era shouldn’t be an excuse to why teachers are so disappointed in student writing.


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