academic writing

English Language Teaching in Indonesia: Problems, Challenges and Prospects.

1.      Introduction
            English is the most important obliged foreign language subject In Indonesia. “There are at least 16 million students formally learning English at school. This involves at least 75,000 English teachers in about 50,000 state and private schools, spread out across a system of more than 390,000 schools in 412 districts and more than 90 cities” (Chodijah, 2015, p. 41).  Language teaching is a complex package of problems. Generally, education as a broad subject has also many complicated problems and challenges.The problems sorts from students motivation to quality of teacher. Many challenges occur in the process of  English Language Teaching in Indonesia. Thus, this article will focus on the problems, challenges and prospects of English language teaching in Indonesia.

2.      Discussion
Education as a broad subject has also many complicated problem. English Language Teaching has many problem, the are some problem in English Language Teaching in Indonesia such as students motivation and quality of  teacher
2.1.1. Students Motivation
            Motivation is a critical component of learning. Motivation is important in getting students to engage in academic activities. Motivation is a complex problem, especially when considered in the Indonesian context, where passive learners and teacher-centered lessons dominate. Self-motivation  is very important thing  for the students, because the motivation will inspire student to stay motivated in learning. Conversely, without  motivation, students will be very difficult to understand the material that has been described by teachers. Of course this situation will give bad impact to individual quality.
            Low of student motivation is one of the primary problems of English Language Teaching in Indonesia. It may be because of students’ perceptions toward English and many of them take it as a difficult lesson to learn. As a result, they skip class, and when they attend the class, it is not because they want to learn English but likely because they fear of failure. Moreover, lots of them may lack of attention during class, chatting with classmates, doodling in their note books or gasp in their textbooks.
            The factors of causing the lack of students motivation are :
a)      Parents
               One of the factors that influence student motivation in learning is the family environment. Whether the family can give a good motivation or not. Suteja (1995) explains that parents are always demands for high-achieving children regardless of ability can lead children lost his favorite to learn. Also with the attitude of parents who are indifferent to their children's education can also lead to low motivation of children in learning. Lack of parental supervision of their children, such as the attitude of parents who are too busy with work or others can cause a decline in children's learning motivation. Instead Gottman (1998) in a study said, is that children who feel respected and valued in their families do better in school, have more friends and lead a more healthy life and success.
b)      Teachers
               The lack of competency of teachers in teaching can influence students' motivation. Sardiman (2012) reveals ten teacher competence, there are :
·         Mastering the material to be taught.
·         Managing the teaching and learning activities.
·         Having skills in classroom management.
·         Using the medium of learning and resource book.
·         Mastering the basics of education.
·         Capable of regulating the interaction in teaching and learning.
·         Conduct an assessment of student achievement.
·         Getting to know the functions and programs, guidance and counseling in schools.
·         Organizing the school administration.
·         Being able to understand the principles of teaching and be able to interpret the results of educational research, to be used as teaching purposes.
               Based on the competence of the teacher, it is understood that the teacher should be able to overcome learning difficulties experienced by students. Because, if the learning difficulties are not addressed by the teacher will lead the students to miss the subject matter. This will cause a decline in students' learning motivation to study carefully the next material.
c)             Socio-Economic Conditions

               Student's motivation is also influenced by socio-economic conditions. This is evidenced by Rosen (in Atkinson, 1978) in his study of high school students who come from different social classes, it was revealed that the motivation to higher achievement held by students from middle socioeconomic levels. Rosen (in Atkinson, 1978, p. 21) revealed:

               That they show achievements is Generally stronger in middle class student a finding     replicated by a number of companies, but that working class boys who are strongly                               
         motivated to Achieve do as well academically as their counterparts in the middle          
d)            Gender

               Aulia (2012) revealed that several studies have shown there are differences in motivation between men and women in terms of achieving higher performance. Male students have a higher motivation of the students in terms permpuan to excel in learning.
               The low motivation of female students due to conflict with traditional values ​​that exist in society. According to Buck (1988, p. 389), “Achievement striving may be more complex phenomenon among men, women. Because achievement behavior in conflicts with the traditional female role”.
e)              Aspects Psychic

               Dimyati and Mudjiono (1999) suggested that the level of motivation can be influenced by psychological aspects that exist on students, such as observation, attention, memory, thinking, and fantasy.
·         Observation

Sumadi (2012) suggested that the observation is the way individuals in recognizing objects that exist in the vicinity to see, hear, smell, or taste. In their observations known modality of observation, namely things like see, hear, smell and taste.

Based on the notion of observation, it is understood that in observing the need for sensory organs. Disruption of sensory perception in students making difficult students make observations required in learning. This can result in low learning motivation of the students, because it was different from her other friends.
·         Attention

Abu (2003) describes the attention is the active soul to a certain focus both from inside and outside himself. Lack of attention to the students in the study indicate poor students have the motivation to learn it.
·         Memory

Sardiman (2012, p. 45-46) states: “Theoretically memory function: 1) to imbibe or receive impressions from the outside; 2) save the image; 3) producing an impression.” Therefore, the memory is the capacity to receive, store and produce impressions in learning. It is well to avoid forgetfulness for forgetting as psychological symptoms always there.
·          Fantasy (Fantasy)

Abu (2003) suggested that fantasy is the mental ability to form new images. Sardiman (2012) reveal with fantasy, the students learn will have extensive knowledge as trained to understand themselves and others.

2.1.2.Quality of  Teacher
 The poor achievement of students may reflect the lower quality of teachers in Indonesia. According to Jalal et al. ( 2009, p. 133 ), “Teachers with lower ability often lack either the ability or the motivation to upgrade their skills and qualifications. As a consequence, such teachers face difficulty in keeping abreast of the rapid development of knowledge in science and technology and other subjects. Again, this failure to update skills and qualifications will have an adverse effect on teaching quality and ultimately on student learning outcomes.”
               The roots of the bad quality of teachers in Indonesia is because teacher personality. Personally should be recognized that many teachers are allergic to develop itself when it was asked to become a teacher. Teacher professional learning should demand more even defined as the point of completion of the learning process.
There are several causes that result in low quality of teachers / educators, among others, as follows:
a. Differences in educational background and position levels.
b. Disinterested/do not care
c. Salaries of teachers
d. Stuttering adapt
               Indifference / not caring that show an educator example is the problem of teacher absenteeism at the appointed hour. At this time are usually the causes of absenteeism were mixed. For example, because the little things like lazy, prefer the personal things and so forth.
               The quality of teachers in Indonesia as "life would not hesitate to die" and at this time the quality of teachers is the point of "low". The teachers not only stutter in adapting to the advancement of science and social phenomena, but also stuck in a rut into a "uniminative pesonag" educational curriculum. Stuttering adapt can also be regarded as factors causing low quality of teachers because he was not able to adjust to their students.
There are the challenges of English Language Teaching in Indonesia :

2.2.1.      Developing a passion for learning English

            English language is one of the most popular languages to learn, perhaps the most spoken language around the world is English, and many people choose to learn the language simply to place them in a better position to secure work, or communicate more effectively with more people from around the globe.

            All English learners would like to speak English well. They are excited at the idea of being able to communicate in English fluently. However, they usually don’t care about the learning process itself. For most learners, learning English is a duty something that they have to, but don’t want to do. They don’t see pleasure in learning English.
            In short, most learners would like to speak English well but don’t like to be learning English. This is the first and biggest problem facing an English learner, because a person who doesn’t like to learn English will not learn it well.
            If we want to become a successful learner, we need to like the learning process itself. We  need to treat time spent on English as time for pleasure and relaxation. For example, we need to enjoy:
  • reading English sentences and thinking about their structure
  • learning new words from a dictionary
  • writing a correct English sentence by consulting dictionaries, grammar guides, and the Web
  • practicing the pronunciation of English sounds and words
            Ideally, learning English should be our hobby. We should think of ourself as an English Learner a person who has chosen learning English as one of their favorite activities.
There are the prospect of English language Teaching in Indonesia :
2.3.1 The opportunity for working on international job
               Nowdays, the importance of English has increased considerably. Learning English in a country where it is not the mother tongue opens a number of opportunities for individuals. Incorporate world, the need for effective communication has been recognized and accepted more than technical knowledge. English is also used as a tool for work. As a private company that is gaining ground due to changes in the economy, employees are always kept on their toes. It is as good as you work hard and show the best performance or perish because of not taking care of your professional growth and see other people get a chance. Therefore, the ability to use language effectively is required to remain employed.
               Thekarunaratne (2014) said that there is so many special courses are designed to support and improve English for professional; such as businessman, nurse, doctors those who are in the field of aviation and agriculture. The student of English can take this issue as an opportunity to get better chance as people nowadays are aware of the importance of English for job mobility, socializing and travel. 
3.      Conclusion
Englis is the most important and difficult language to learn. English language teaching in this country can be a problematic and overwhelming task. English language teaching has become more challenging since globalization occurs in Indonesia. English Language Teaching in Indonesia has the problem, challenge, and prospect. Teachers must be able to motivate students to learn English in an interesting way, and the quality of teacher there must be change.  Learning English should be our hobby. We should think of ourself as an English Learner a person who has chosen learning English as one of their favorite activities.
References :
Chodijah, I. (2015) ELT in the Indonesian School System, 41.
Jalal, F., Samani, M., Chang, M.C., Stevenson, R., Ragatz, A.B., Negara, S.D. (2009) teacher       Certification in Indonesia, 133.
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Buck, R. (1988). Human motivation and emotion. Amerika: John Willey & Sons, Inc.
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