“The Use of Teams Games Turnament to Develop Students’ Reading Skill”

A.    Background of Study
To develop students’ English achievement,  reading  is one of element which is also one of four  skills  that is really important for students . Because,  by reading more will develop a person’s creativity, get more knowledge, get new information and improve his or her vocabulary. Moreover, it relates to other skills, such as writing, speaking and listening. For example, it is impossible to be able to write, speak or listen well without reading. Because, if they write or speak without reading, they can not support their ideas in their writing or speaking and if they  listen to , they have to listen more times if the words are unfamiliar for them. So, reading is great crucial to gain good English proficiency.
            There are many things as media for reading. Such as textbook, novel, newspaper, magazine, website etc. Especially, in the classroom, they have textbook which is provided by school or buys by their self. Some of students are who interested in reading and diligent, they will read much without  forcing. But, for some else are who are not interested in reading, they will read less. Infact, reading is very useful for students  to achieve improvement.
            Based on my experience the teachers still use the traditional approach in the classroom which  the teachers  maintain the discipline, ask their  students only to sit, read the text and answer the questions. Ofcourse this way is simple and easy. But, it is not interesting and does not give many positive impacts. Because, sitiing whole time in the class is really bored and the class is not interesting.  Meanwhile, classrooms are more teacher-oriented and students are passive learners. On the contrary, cooperative learning is one strategy for group instruction which is under the learner-centred approach. According to Robert in the book Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice said  “cooperative learning is an instructional program in which students work in small groups to help one another master academic content where students in a class become resource person to other friend to understand concept which is facilitated by the teacher (Robert, 2002:2).  So, the students can interact and solve the problem together.
According  to Ellen White says, Cooperation should be the spirit of the classroom, the law of its life . . . Let the older assist the younger, the strong the weak, and so far as possible, let each be called to do something in which he excels.   This will encourage self-respect and a desire to be useful (white, 1952:285). Another author also says Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) is one of the cooperative learning models that makes small groups within the class consisting of four or five heterogeneous students whether in academic achievement, genders, races, and ethnics (Isjoni, 2010:83-84). Because, the learning process will be more interesting.
There are some researchers applied Team Game Tournament (TGT) in the learning process. Such as Siti Ulinnikmah Tarbiyah Faculty, in her thesis “The Effectiveness Of Using TGT (Teams-Games-Tournaments) to Improve The Students’ Understanding In Passive Voice; An Experimental Study to the Tenth Graders of MA NU Banat Kudus” in academic year 2008/2009. the researcher conclude that the using of TGT technique is more effective to improve the students’ understanding on English passive voice than non. Another researcher also was done by Septa Nur Afiani Tarbiyah Faculty, in her thesis “Improving Students’ Writing Organization of Descriptive Text Trough The Use of Team Games. The researcher concludes that the use of TGT in teaching writing made students enjoy learning writing in the class. Both researchers give positive effect for students. So, I think TGT is also an appropriate strategy  for improving students’ reading skill.
Conclusion, based on the notion above, I am as a researcher decide to do research about “The Use of Teams Games Turnament to Develop Students’ Reading Skill” which will be done for 8th grade of Junior High School at MTSN 2 Lueng Bata.

B.   Research Problem
Most of students in the school are boring in the learning process. Because their theachers ask them only to sit on their seat, give the text, read and answer the questions. Furtherrmore, there were not any action and interesting activity.
C.  Research Questions
            1.   How the use of TGT method to improve students’ reading skills?
            2.   How is the significant of class achievements after using TGT method  in reading  
D.    Objectivities of the Study
            This study aims to give information about the application of TGT method in the class and also to prove whether TGT method is one of the effective methods that can be used to improve student’s reading skill.The objectivity of the research, especially to get further informations about:
1.       To prove the use of TGT method to improve students’ reading skills.
2.       The significant of class achievements after using TGT method reading    
E.     Terminology
To avoid ambiguous meaning of some terms in this reasearch, I will present the explanation of the term.
1.      Team Game Tournament
Team-Game-Tournament is one of the methods that are developed from cooperative learning. Teams where students are assigned to make group consisting of 4-5 students in each team to discuss the given materials, Games where contains the relevant questions to the material discussed in team to test their individual understanding and tournaments is the structure where the games are take place.( Robert, 2002:6)

2.      Improving
Improving is changing thing to be better or perfect by effort. So, after applying TGT the sutents’ reading skill will be better.
F.     Hypothesis
In studying the topic, there are two hypothesis. The hypothesis are:
1.      Alternative Hypothesis (Ha ): the use of cooperative learning type Teams Game  
Tournament (TGT) can develop students’ reading skills.
2.      The Null Hypothesis (Ho): the use of cooperative learning type Teams Game Tournament (TGT) cannot develop students’ reading skill.
G.    Benefits of the Study
The benefits of this research are:
1. Theoretically
            This research will be useful for the teachers who are interested in teaching cooperative learning which more vary especially in increasing reading skill. For other researcher can use this research as one of the literature reviews in their linguisics study.
2. Practically
            a. For the writer
            The finding of the research can be used as a starting point in improving writing skill and also the writer’s ability in doing research. It is also can be used as a jumping stone for the writer to get more experiences.

            b. For the students
            This study is hoped can increase the students reading skill. Not only for increase their achievements but also to teach the students how to work together in a teamwork without differentiate another friend in a class. Furthemore, this is some benefits for the students:
1.  Developed the students’ reading skill.
2.  Helping the students to practie their reading skill.
3.  Helping the students to improve their skill in collaborating with otherfriends.
4.  The students practice to be a instructor when they’re explaining the material for  
     other friends in the group.
5.  Gives the joyful for the students while doing the games and tournaments.

            c. For the teacher
            This research gives the further information about one of cooperative learning, called TGT (Teams Games Tournament) method that is used in the class to help the students increase their skills. The teacher can use this method to modify their method to teach in the class, so the students do not feel so bored and feel another atmosphere in the class.
            This method consists of game and tournament, so the teacher can vary the learning process for students fun and interesting, the students can focus on the material and teacher can see the happiness of students face when they prcatice this cooperative learning method.

            d. For the other researchers
            Another researcher can utilize this paper to add their refereneces that is connected with the method to increase the students’ reading skill by using TGT method. In addition, they can practice to use this method is their research in the
       H.  Subject of the Research
1. Population
            The researcher takes of the research in SMA N 1 Samatiga in the academic years of 2016/2017. The total population of SMA N 1 Samatiga consist of 11 classes for second grade. Population is the whole of research subject (Arikunto, 2006:130). Beside that, population is the group people we want to generalize to (Muijs, 2004:15).
            The reason of reaseacher took the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 because it was the period of students where they felt they can show their real characteristic, and they have had a bestfriend in the class, so the reasearcher tried to divide them into some groups and looked whether they could adapt with other friends.

2. Sample of Sampling Technique
            A sample is part of representative populations which is investigated (Arikunto, 2006:131). This research choose to use purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is the sample which selected because of some reasons, such as limitation of time, energy, and fee (Arikunto, 2010:183). According to Sugiyono (2007:300), purposive sampling is a technique of taking resource of data sample based on certain consideration or focusing of the sample. Its purpose is to maximize information, not to facilitate generalization.
            The researcher takes of research in the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Samatiga and the researcher takes 2 classes of students in the eleventh .The students are taken from XI MIA 2 and XI MIA 5. The reason of choosing these classes is based on the observation and interview with the English teacher. Both of these classes have high grade that other classes.
            Based on the observation with the class teacher from both of class, he told the researcher that class MIA 2 was the class that is appropriate to be given a treatment.

3. Data Sources
            The data sources of this research are taken from the result of student’s test and observation. The test is divided into two part, pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is to know the student’s ability in reading skill before the treatment is given for them, and post test is the test to know their increasement after the treatment has been given.
            Observation is done by the researcher based on the reason to know the situation of the teaching and learning process when the technique is applied. It was important in this case, not only to know the students own feelings but also to know how they think toward their English (Arikunto,2006:229).

4. Type of Research
            The research is experimental research. Experimental is one of the types of quantitative reserach design. Experimental research in the social sciences follows the same basic pattern as those (natural) science experiments (Muijs, 2004: 13). There are experimental and control group investigated. The first is experimantal group that consisting of students taught by non-TGT method and the second group that consist of students taught by TGT method.
            The meaning of reserach methodology is the method that is used in writing this study, it’s called field research, because this resrearch is conducted in an educational institution directly, that is SMA N 1 Samatiga. Thus, this study attempt to identify, classify, the effectiveness of TGT method.

5. Techniques of Collecting the Data
a. Test
            To get the data, the reseracher proceeds with the test which consists of pre-test and post-test. The function of pre-test is to get the information about the student’s ability in reading before the treatment. Pre-test on whatever instruments are used to assess the effect of the experiment before the treatment is given.
            The function of post-test is to know the result of the experimen and usually on the instruments, after the treatmen is given (Muijs, 2004:18). The data will prove that there is a significant differences for the students reading skill using TGT methor and without using TGT method.

b. Observation
            In addition, the researches also do the class observation. The observation is done to find out the situation of the teaching and learning process while the learning process using TGT method is applied. It is an important thing that must to do because the reseracher should make a note for the further data collection, not only to get the final score after using TGT method for learning process in increasing reading skill but also to know their collaborative and their participate in the group. Because TGT method is not only focus on the final score but how develop student’s attitude with their friends.
            According to Darlington (2002:74), state that observation is a very effective way to finding out what people do in particular contexts, the routines and interactional patterns of their daily lives. In addition, observational research methods can provide an understanding of what is happening in encounter between a service provider and user, a commitee, a ward or residental unit, a large organizational or a community.

c. Analysis
            The researcher analyzes the data that is got from the students to get more information and to know their increasements, in reading and speaking skills or their role and responsibility toward their own group.

d. Documentation
            Documentation is needed to know about the situation and condition of the students, teachers, and school’s profiles. Documentation not only includes the official organizational papers, brochures, and reports, but also more of work a day, lesson plans, and materials (Arikunto, 2010: 201-202).
            The researcher collects the data as documenttaion by taking photos or videos since the teaching and learning process is going. Document is a record of events in the past in the forms of handwriting, pictures, or even literature works (Sugiyono, 2007:329). The researcher ask the school to complete the data that is needes, so this research san produce a good result that depict the teaching and learning process in SMA N 3 Salatiga in eleventh grade by using TGT method.

6. Technique of Analyzing the Data
            Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interiew transcripts, field notes, and other materials that is accumulated to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others (Sugiyono, 2007: 334).
            The purpose of data analysis is to know the differences of student’s increasement of reading skill using TGT method and without using TGT method and the significant of students’ skill in understanding the reading. In addition to prove the effectiveness of TGT method in increasing stdents’ reading skill.
            The first step is pre-test, in order to get the information about the students prior reading and speaking skill before they are given TGT method in learning process. The post test is to prove the significant different score before and after TGt method is applied. To calculate two test the writer used these formulas:
a. Mean ( X = )
X = mean
∑x = sum of the score
N = frequency of students

b. Deviation Standard
SD =

c. T-test Calculation
T= ( ∑D/n ) : (SD/n-1)

d. Percentage
Precentage = x 100%

[1]Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice, (New York: Prentice Hall, 2002), 2nd Ed., p. 2.

2White, E.G. (1923).  Fundamentals of Christian education.  Nashville, Southern Publishing Association.

3Isjoni, Pembelajaran Kooperatife: Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Komunikasi antar Peserta Didik, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010), 2nd Ed., p. 83-84.

4Siti Ulinnikmah (3104056) Tarbiyah Faculty, The Effectiveness Of Using TGT (Teams- Games-Tournaments) to Improve The Students’ Understanding In Passive Voice, (Semarang: IAIN Walisongo, 2008)

5Septa Nur Afiani (5311063) Tarbiyah Faculty, Improving Students’ Writing
Organization of Descriptive Text Trough The Use of Team Games Tournament, (Semarang: IAIN Walisongo, 2010)


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